We were thankful to have volunteers from Bishan North Community Centre (BNCC) who came on 16 Sept 2019 afternoon for coordinating a few interesting performances for our residents! We started off with a band performance by River Valley Primary School where one of the songs performed was “We are Singapore”. Our residents and staff were indeed awed by the various musical instruments brought by these young students. Next up we have Wu Shu performance by 5 of our talented volunteers from BNCC which received loud applauses from the audience. Lastly, we have a musical group performance by Trigger Fins led by Mr Tommy. The singers used both guitars and ukulele. In addition, they also sang a few oldies songs in different languages such as English, Mandarin and Hokkien. Our residents and volunteers could not resist from dancing to the wonderful tunes of these nice songs!. It was very heartwarming to see our residents smiling brightly during all the performances!

A BIG Thank you to BNCC for the kind donations-in-kind and snacks provided during the session. Special thanks to Ms Maureen Tang for making this event possible. Hope to see all of you again!

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