We were thankful to have volunteers from ELECTRONICS & ENGINEERING PTE LTD for visiting us on 12 September for a session of lanterns-making with the residents. The colorful and lovely lanterns were specially ordered from overseas and the cartoon figures such as Pichakus, Peppa Pigs and Doraemons etc thrilled our residents thoroughly. After the session, our residents were also happily walking around our MPH with the lanterns they made together with the corporate volunteers. Soon, it was followed by a session of colouring, an all-time favourite activity of most residents.
We would also like to register our appreciation to the donation-in-kind made to our Home. Items such as Vitamin C supplements, prune juice and oats were items much needed by our residents. In addition, the volunteers also assisted to decorate the hall with colourful paper lanterns which created an atmosphere of Mid-Autumn Festival for all our residents and staff at Bishan Home!
We look forward to the continual support from ELECTRONICS & ENGINEERING PTE LTD and BROADCAST PROFESSIONAL PTE LTD. A BIG thank you and Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all!
Check out the rest of the photos here!