Bishan Home was declared open by then Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 25th September 1999 and started operations the following month. The Home is a joint effort between the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and the Bible-Presbyterian Welfare Services with MCYS.
When we first started we were registered under the Bible Presbyterian Welfare Services Umbrella. In 2007 we were registered as a separate Society and obtained Chairty and Institution of Public Character (IPC) status in own right. We are also a member of National Council of Social Services.
From an initial population of slightly over 20 residents, we now have 127 residents and we are targeting to reach full capacity of 132 by year end. In addition to our residential program, we also have a Day Activity Centre (DAC) program.
We introduced our DAC program in 1999 as a social service in response to appeals desperate parents in the surrounding neighborhood for such a program.
Our Day Activity Centre ((DAC) program was first introduced in 1999 as a social service in response to appeals from desperate parents in the surrounding neighbourhood for such a program. At this stage the program did not receive any government funding. It was only in 2005 that we applied to MCYS to fund both the expansion of our Day Activity Centre as well as the program. Expanision works were completed in 2007. As at 2011 our DAC has 24 clients.